ATS Animal Traceability Solutions
The Specialists for Animal Identification and Traceability (AIT) Systems
1 – Reference Information (Standard and Rules)
Where do we start from? Which are our overall references as defined by standard setting organizations relevant for AIT?
2 – Identifying (Structure)
Which would be the most adequate system for your organisation?
3 – Specifying (Functionalities)
Which are the functional requirements in detail and what does this imply for the architecture of system and software?
4 – Preparing (Legal Framework)
What needs to be considered and included in the legal framework to consistently cover all relevant aspects for all involved stake-holders and actors?
5 – Implementing (Involve, teach, train)
How to plan, do training and get all involved stakeholders and actors on board?
6 – Analysing Performance
How to analyse the performance?
A blend of the best
We integrate with our tailor made core AIT software modules the very specific functionalities of animal identification and traceability with the best available open source solutions for common functionality such as user management, management of privileges, processing of GIS related information, document management or reporting.
Minimum effort for updating = sustainable
The complementary open source components are being improved continuously.
Therefore, the efforts for keeping the AIT system up to date are reduced to a minimum.
ATS Animal Traceability Solutions
The Specialists for Animal Identification and Traceability (AIT) Systems
Animal Traceability Solutions (ATS) is the joint venture of ADT Project Consulting (ADT) and Unternehmensberatung Dr. Karb GmbH (UBK)
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